Progress registered in the implementation of Resolution 1325 in Guinea-Bissau, the SRSG says

11 Jun 2010

Progress registered in the implementation of Resolution 1325 in Guinea-Bissau, the SRSG says

11 June 2010 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Guinea-Bissau, Joseph Mutaboba, today highlighted progress made and challenge to overcome in Guinea-Bissau in the implementation of the Security Council Resolution 1325 in a ceremony with women leaders and peace activists in the country.


"In Guinea-Bissau also, we registered some progress related to the implementation of Resolution 1325. A National action plan was adopted. This plan is the result of inputs to identify activities to be undertaken and ensure a greater and more efficient female participation at all stages of peace consolidation", Mutaboba said at the ceremony in Bissau marking the Global Open Day on 1325. The ceremony also brought together the country's UN Resident Coordinator, Giuseppina Mazza and three Guinea-Bissau female ministers, in charge of Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Interior and Family.

The SRSG noted that "the political, economical and social difficulties faced by Guinea-Bissau as a result of successive crises only can be addressed with the inclusive participation of women in conflict prevention and resolution processes". "Therefore, national authorities must intensify their efforts and ensure that women and girls can fully enjoy all their human rights and freedoms because they are still facing many barriers". In his statement, the SRSG recalled that the anniversary is an opportunity to highlight Resolution 1325's message that "a sustainable peace is only possible with the participation of women". 

Giuseppina Mazza, UN Resident Coordinator, considered the Global Open Day ceremony in Bissau "a very precious and excellent opportunity for exchanges between women peace activists in Guinea-Bissau" and reaffirmed that the UN is trying to address "day after day, your and the population's needs".

During the ceremony, the Bissau-Guinean women leaders and peace activists handed over a message entitled "Partners for Peace Women's Perspectives on Conflict Resolution" which focuses on issues related to justice and impunity, conflict resolution, conflict prevention, Security and Defence Sector Reform, human development and accountability.

The women peace activists requested that "a minimum of 25% participation of women in all mechanisms for peace and decision making at the national level is ensured, including the National Dialogue, the steering committee for Security Sector Reform and the process constitutional review".

Bissau-Guinean women leaders also invited the international community to evaluate its efforts in a participatory and gender sensitive manner, and evaluate the impact of its intervention in Guinea-Bissau.

The ceremony in Bissau was part of the Global Open Day, a contribution to the commemoration of 10 years of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) marked by meetings between women peace groups and the UN leadership, notably SRSGs and ERSGs, in countries with UN peacekeeping and political missions, to build dialogue on women, peace and security that will contribute to better implementation of this important resolution. The outcomes of these events will be communicated to the Security Council in October 2010 so that its discussions on means of accelerating implementation of resolution 1325 can be informed by the needs and concerns of women in conflict contexts.