Integration of the United Nations System

The United Nations Office for Peacebuilding in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS) is an integrated field mission. The UN Integration policy first emerged in 2006. By decision of the Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon of 26 June 2008, UNOGBIS together with another 10 political missions became an integrated mission. The SG explained that the decision had the purpose to: “to maximize the individual and collective impact of the UN’s response, concentrating on those activities required to consolidate peace”. He added that “to achieve this main purpose at the country level, there should be an effective strategic partnership between the UN mission/office and the Country Team operate in a coherent and mutually supportive manner, and in close collaboration with other partners.” 

UNIOGBIS has four subdivisions working under the direction of the Deputy Special Representative for Political Affairs : (1) Political Affairs Section; (2) Rule of Law and Security Institutions Section; (3) Human Rights and Gender Section and, which also represents the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); (4) Public Unit Information Unit  

The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Guinea Bissau, is coordinated by the Deputy Special Representative/UN Resident Coordinator, includes the following agencies, funds and programmes resident in Guinea Bissau:  FAO, UNWOMEN, OHCHR, UNDP, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP and WHO – non-resident agencies: ILO, OCHA, UNESCO, UNIDO, UNODC, UNOPS, UNHABITAT. UNAIDS, UNODC and UNHABITAT also have project offices in Bissau. The IMF also has a full representation in Guinea-Bissau and the World Banks is currently reestablishing its presence.


Given the integrated nature of UNIOGBIS, the UNCT works closely together under the leadership of the UN Special Representative of the Secretary -General to enhance results under the Security Council mandate for Guinea-Bissau. The United Nations- Guinea Bissau Partnership Framework 2016-2020 (UNPAF) provides the framework for this approach and is fully aligned with national priorities as defined in the National Vision 2025 and the Strategic and Operational Plan 2015-20120, Terra Ranka, presented at the Brussels Round Table in March 2015.


The four pillars of the UNPAF:

  1. Democratic governance, Peace and stability.
  2. Inclusive economic growth.
  3. Human development and basic services.
  4. Sustainable development and disaster risk mitigation.


  • Key areas of intervention of the UN operational system in Guinea Bissau:



  1. FAO: for 2016 it expects to support Guinea-Bissau in the improvement of performance, durability and efficiency of family farming systems; to support the population in creating resilience and securing food in climate change, food crises and natural disasters scenarios; and to improve governance in the areas of food security, nutrition and sustainable management of natural resources. Budget 2016: USD 2,410,000.
  2. UNDP: UNDP support is mainly targeted at women and young people, who are most affected by poverty and unemployment (51.6% of the total population are women and 50.2% are young people between the ages of 15 and 35) , in order to improve their living conditions and reduce inequality in specific urban and rural areas with a local development approach.

    In the area of democratic governance, UNDP supports the Government in its efforts to strengthen the rule of law, national institutions and representative democracy. The main focus of UNDP's contribution is on judicial reforms (including access to quality services); civil society participation in democratic processes and economic governance, as well as in supporting the development of the capacity of the National People's Congress to play its role of supervision and control, and in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public administration, including the extension of services level electoral systems at the local level by strengthening electoral cycle systems to provide robust and transparent electoral process.

    In the economic area, UNDP supports the Government in formulating, monitoring and evaluating inclusive growth strategies and policies, focusing on job creation for young people and women. UNDP works with the Government to implement appropriate mechanisms, systems and tools to ensure greater efficiency in the implementation, monitoring and allocation of resources, and effective funding for development coordination. It also supports, together with local authorities, innovative initiatives by NGOs and local small-scale entrepreneurship organizations benefiting women and young people under the Local Economic Development program.

    In the environmental sector, UNDP highlights natural resource management, disaster risk management, and strengthening population resilience to climate change and disasters. This involves support for policy formulation, training, resource mobilization and implementation of adaptation to climate change. An important element is also the improvement of natural resource management, including a greater capacity at the national level to negotiate effectively with the private sector. To achieve these goals, UNDP seeks to introduce innovative and recognized production techniques that are adaptable to climate change, which are a potential source of income for young people and women. UNDP supports the Government in promoting the use of renewable energy at the community level; supports the protection of biodiversity, protected areas, and enhancing the capacity of communities in the sustainable use of natural resources. Budget 2016: 16,300,000.
  3. UNFPA: in 2016, it will focus on increasing the capacities of: (1) health facilities, to deliver high-quality sexual and reproductive health services for women, adolescent and youth; 2) the Ministry of Public Health, in order to deliver national family planning and HIV-prevention services for women, adolescent, youth and key population (3) the Ministry of Women, Family and Social Cohesion, the Secretariat of State for Youth, Culture and Sports, and the Ministry of National Education to design and implement comprehensive policies addressing forced marriages, and adolescent and youth reproductive health education, (4) the Ministry of Women, Family and Social Cohesion to act against gender-based violence and harmful practices, and to promote gender equality and non- discrimination  and (5) the National Statistics Institute to lead and coordinate production and dissemination of high-quality disaggregated data on reproductive health, population and development, climate change, and gender issues in support of  evidence-based policy and planning. Budget 2016: USD 4,347.867.
  4. UNICEF: in 2016 UNICEF has 7 axes of interventions: child and maternal health and nutrition (i.e. train health staff; strengthen M&E systems; procure and supply of essential medicines, vaccines and supplies for health care activities; establishment of national nutrition surveillance system); HIV/AIDS and children (i.e. capacity development in improving quality of HIV services for children, adolescents and mothers; scaling up of HIV services for children and adolescents); water sanitation and hygiene (i.e. support WASH in schools, wash in health centers and reinforce the links with nutrition; construction, rehabilitation and upgrade of water points); education (i.e.  support access to primary education for out of school children through construction, rehabilitation and equipment of classrooms and gender disaggregated WASH facilities; support curriculum development and training programmes; play an active role in supporting Ministry of Education for the strengthening of quality assurance systems at regional and national level); child protection (i.e. strengthen the national child protection system, including laws, policies, regulations, preventive and responsive services and capacity; support partners in the extension of psychosocial support, referral, case management and safe spaces to children and women victims of violence); advocacy, communication and partnerships; planning, monitoring and evaluation and social policy. Budget 2016:  USD 14,338,000.
  5. UNHCR: among its main interventions for 2016 UNHCR aims to improve the registration and profiling of UNHCR population of concern (i.e. update of refugees’ statistics), support the naturalization processes and land tenure formalization; support refugees’ livelihoods and self-reliance (i.e. distribution of seeds and kits for agricultural and horticultural activities; construction of wells for irrigation); support for the improved access of UNHCR persons of concern to education and health services; among others. Budget 2016: USD 402,000.
  6. UNODC: The agency works in support of national authorities to address issues related to corruption; drugs; terrorism; trafficking in persons; smuggling of migrants; and trafficking in firearms. In Guinea-Bissau, UNODC is working mainly on the West Africa Coast Initiative – WACI, which aims to fight organized transnational crime and reinforce border control, as part of a regional program since 2014. It is also working on Airport Communication Programme- AIRCOP, focused on airport security; border control; fight against drug trafficking; on a project on the trafficking of human beings, besides several training on the above-mentioned areas. Budget 2016: USD 1,4 million.
  7. UNWOMEN: in Guinea-Bissau it focus its interventions on legal reform and policy to build the capacities of government institutions, the parliament and women’s umbrella organizations. Main areas of action include enhancing political participation, gender mainstreaming in laws and policies; enhancing women’s access to land and productive resources for climate-resilient agriculture (joint programme with FAO); and to continue on supporting the H4+ initiative, fostering gender mainstreaming into the health systems, health workforce and health infrastructures. Through the Peace Building Fund, UNWOMEN has also been working closely with civil society and community groups on women’s economic empowerment.  Budget 2016: USD 414,000 (Core).
  8. WFP: The new country programme starting 1 April 2016 up to 2020 includes three components: 1) nutrition; 2) school feeding 3) food security interventions. Capacity building is mainstreamed through the three components. Activities include school feeding, nutrition (stunting prevention in Oio and Bafata regions; treatment of moderate acute malnutrition; nutritional support to People Living with HIV and TB and household support for the most vulnerable), food security and nutrition monitoring and food for work. Budget 2016: USD 13 million.
  9. WHO: the current cooperation strategy between Guinea Bissau and WHO is in support of the implementation of the national health sector plan (PNDS II) to ensure capacity to address both  communicable diseases and the rise of non-communicable diseases. Through both technical assistance and advocacy in programmatic management support and resources mobilization, WHO will focus its interventions on fighting  HIV and Hepatitis, tuberculosis, malaria and other neglected tropical diseases; tackling mental health and nutrition issues (including oral health); work on reproductive health including maternal, new-born and adolescent health aspects; and other cross-cutting issues related to health system strengthening (i.e. development of policies, strategic plans; access to pharmaceuticals; evidence based medicine and strategic information management including surveillance system and country capacity to manage incidents and outbreaks).  WHO has a biennial 2016-2017 budget of USD 2,115,000. For 2016 alone, USD 1,148,000.


In addition, the UNCT is supported by UNAIDS with a project officer to support the joint UN efforts with national authorities, namely the National Secretariat for HIV/AIDS namely to expand HIV prevention services among key populations; increase treatment to HIV positive pregnant women to avoid mother to child transmission; and increase access to anti-retroviral treatment among HIV+ children, adults and HIV/TB co-infected populations.