United Nations to mobilize partners and support for Security Sector Reform

2 Sep 2011

United Nations to mobilize partners and support for Security Sector Reform

1 Sep 2011 - The United Nations is working on the organization of an international meeting in New York to mobilize support for the Security Sector Reform (SSR) in Guinea-Bissau, the Chair of the Guinea-Bissau configuration of the UN Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) said.


"We are working on a high-level meeting in New York to sensitize partners and mobilize support for SSR but also for other peacebuilding areas such as combat against drug trafficking, revitilization of the economy and youth employment", ambassador Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti told, while addressing the press at the end of a meeting in Bissau with the ministers of Foreign Affairs and Economy. The date is yet to be set since "we are at the beginning of our discussions".

The Chair of the Guinea-Bissau configuration, who is in Guinea-Bissau for a 3-day visit mainly focused on the SSR implementation and the launch of the Pension Fund, has scheduled meetings with the Prime minister and the ministers of Foreign Affairs, Defense and Economy as well with civil society representatives and diplomatic corp.

The 48 hours visit aims at ensuring the UN support to Guinea-Bissau main reforms implementation, especially the Security Sector Reform (SSR). Following the inclusion of Guinea-Bissau's in PBC's agenda in 2007, the Peace Building Fund (PBF) allocated $6 million to support 2008 legislative elections, rehabilitate two prisons and three military barracks and develop a youth employment project. A second allocation of $16.8 million has been announced and will help address peacebuilding challenges, including the SSR implementation, the promotion of national dialogue and youth employment.

Talking about the country's situation, ambassador Viotti noted some progress namely in the economic area but also some challenges "we are looking forward to help address".