UNIOGBIS 2010 Mandate

(a) Assisting the Peacebuilding Commission in its multidimensional engagement with Guinea-Bissau;



(b) Strengthening the capacity of national institutions in order to maintain constitutional order and full respect for the rule of law;

(c) Supporting national authorities to establish effective and efficient law enforcement and criminal justice systems;

(d) Supporting an inclusive political dialogue and a national reconciliation process as an institutionalized peace consolidation framework;

(e) Providing strategic and technical support and assistance in developing ad coordinating the implementation of the security sector reform strategy;

(f) Assisting national authorities to combat human trafficking, especially child trafficking, drug trafficking and organized crime;

(g) Undertaking human rights promotion, protection and monitoring activities and supporting the institutionalization of respect for the rule of law;

(h) Mainstreaming a gender perspective into peacebuilding, in line with Security Council resolutions 1325 (2000) and 1820 (2008);

(i) Facilitating national efforts to curb the proliferation of small arms and light weapons;

(j) Enhancing cooperation with the African Union, ECOWAS, CPLP, theEuropean Union and other partners in efforts to contribute to the stabilization of Guinea-Bissau;

(k) Helping in the mobilization of international assistance.